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Mission and Values for You and Your Team

About the Course

Learn about how stress negatively affects health and life balance, and ways to improve your overall productivity. This course will help you effectively work with your team to create personal and professional goals that align with the greater mission and vision of your organization.

Training Objectives

Define how stress affects the whole person and impedes progress towards healthy personal and professional goals
Learn ways effectively manage stress
Analyze your personal and your team’s mission, vision and values
Strategize to align goals for a more productive team and organization

* Certifications for courses (POST, ICEMA, EMSA, BRN, CEU) vary depending on course content, location of the training, and length of the course. Our team will provide specific certifications that are available upon request or at time of scheduling. 

We Are Here to Help

Reach out to TCTI to learn more about scheduling training for your department.