DEA Employee Assistance Program

We’re here when you need us.

100% CONFIDENTIAL assistance for employees and your family at no cost to you.

DEA Supervisors, TTM, DTCS

These consultations involve problem solving or coaching sessions between you and one or more managers/supervisors aimed at improving a manager’s skills and effectiveness in providing leadership for employees. You are essentially acting as a management coach to help enhance the manager’s performance.

A special type of organizational intervention is Organizational Development. The difference in this type of activity from an Organizational Consult is that these projects are most often larger scale and relatively more complex consultations. Some examples of OD interventions are team building, improving group morale, and enhancing work quality or productivity for a work group. As with Organizational Consults, OD work requires a request from a manager and approval from TCTI to start a project.

TCTI maintains a library of training modules that cover a variety of subjects appropriate to the EAP. The TCTI Area Clinicians use these modules to provide training and preventive education to employees on how to cope and manage their lives in a manner that effectively offers ideas and solutions to minimize or resolve common problems or conflicts. View Required Training

Traumatic incidents can be Operational or Non-operational. Operational traumas are directly related to DEA operations/employment. They include, but are not limited to, shootings, threats of violence, aviation incidents, hostage taking or other terrorist incidents, suicides in the workplace, contracts on life of employee/employee’s family. EAP response is mandatory at the request of the DEA EAP Administrator or EAP Specialist. Non-operational traumas occur in the private lives of DEA employees and/or family members. They are responded to, based on the request of the victim or victim’s family or support system and as directed by the DEA EAP Administrator or EAP Specialist. They include, but are not limited to, natural disasters, unexpected death of a family member or employee, violence against self or family member, etc. EAP response occurs at the request of the involved parties.

These activities involve a variety of emergency situations that may require traveling to a scene or taking a decisive role in controlling a volatile or potentially dangerous situation. Crisis intervention offers DEA employees and their family members an immediate telephonic assessment and/or in-person clinical intervention.

This is an intervention with an impacted employee and/or family member of a traumatic incident. Traumatic incidents can be Operational or Non-Operational. Operational traumas are directly related to DEA operations/employment. They include, but are not limited to, shootings, threats of violence, aviation incidents, hostage taking, other terrorist incidents, suicides in the workplace, contracts on life of employee/employee’s family, etc. EAP response is mandatory at the request of the DEA EAP Administrator or EAP Specialist. Non-operational traumas occur in the private lives of DEA employees and/or family members. They are responded to, based on the request of the victim or victim’s family or support system and as directed by the DEA EAP Administrator or EAP Specialist. They include, but are not limited to, natural disasters, unexpected death of a family member or employee, violence against self or family member, etc. EAP response occurs at the request of the involved parties.

Call 800-275-7460

This form should be used for non-urgent requests. In the event of an urgent/crisis issue, please call TCTI, or call 911 for life threatening emergencies.

DEA EAP Support Resources

Access support flyers, newsletters and videos that cover a variety of topics including trauma, family issues, work-life, and more.

DEA Clinician Network

We work with culturally competent providers who are committed to serving the specific needs of DEA employees and their families.

DEA Employees & Family Members

  • Short-term counseling for individuals, couples, and family
  • Spouses/significant others & children under 26
  • Dependent adults of any age that are living in the home are also covered
  • “Family members” includes parents of the employee, in-laws, and/or others living IN the employee’s home

Call 800-275-7460

This form should be used for non-urgent requests. In the event of an urgent/crisis issue, please call TCTI, or call 911 for life threatening emergencies.

Employee/Family Member Request Form

DEA Supervisors, TTM, DTCS


Health and Wellness App

The Lighthouse Health & Wellness App is an in-hand, on-demand, 100% confidential health and wellness platform. Designed with first responders in mind, Lighthouse is filled with resources and information designed to help public safety personnel and their families thrive. Anonymous access to information on finances, fitness tips, addiction awareness tools, self-assessments, and help finding treatment and care are all just a swipe away. Click here to view access instructions.